Transformer Table - The One Thing That Will Make or Break Valentine’s Day

The One Thing That Will Make or Break Valentine’s Day

“At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

For many of us, the pleasure of Valentine’s Day is mixed with the pressure of scrambling to find the perfect card and present. If that describes you, take a deep breath and remember the most memorable part of the day will be the time you spend together. Whether it’s a romantic dinner for two, a cozy cuddle while watching a movie, or an intimate conversation over your favorite drink, the simplest of shared activities cement your relationship in a way gifts never can. 

You may still be expected to get a gift and card; just don’t stress out over it as much! Remember that what you say and do will make a bigger impact than what you buy. 

Spending time happens naturally and doesn’t have to be scripted. But with a little extra thought, it can be meaningful. Whether it’s your first Valentine’s Day together, your fifth, or your fiftieth, focus on making your together-time count by embracing the stage you’re at and the intimate experiences you’ve shared.


Transformer Table - The One Thing That Will Make or Break Valentine’s Day

Table for two

There’s a reason special occasions pivot around a meal. The best place to talk and share personal details is when you’re face to face at a table. Want to ensure this Valentine’s Day turns into the perfect Valentine’s Night? Plan an intimate dinner where the focus is on each other. Fold up your Transformer Table into a snug table for two, close enough to reach across the table and hold hands. 

The conversation doesn’t have to rise to the level of a Shakespeare sonnet. The most romantic moments happen when you share an honest feeling, retell your favorite couple story, and express gratitude for being in each other’s lives. Do you remember your first date? What about your first kiss? Do you have your first couple selfie? What first attracted you? 

Longer relationships can celebrate the journey. What was the first dwelling you shared? What made you laugh the loudest? What were some of the key moments you shared and hardships you’ve overcome? 

Talking about the pivotal moments in your relationship is a great way to stir the heartstrings, not to mention stir up endorphins for later.

To us

Raise a glass to each other. It doesn’t matter what kind of glass or what’s in it – wine, spirits, coffee, or apple juice from your child’s sippy-cup. A personal toast should express a feeling that’s as unique as your loved one.

 Just remember to place a coaster on your Transformer Coffee Table to protect the natural hardwood.


Transformer Table - The One Thing That Will Make or Break Valentine’s Day

Make time for non-verbal communication

Of course, not every moment needs to be filled with talking. In fact, some of the best parts of intimacy occur without speaking. Reserve time for some pressure-free couch time, whether it involves cuddling, kissing, holding hands, or whatever direction your imagination goes. Turn your Transformer Couch into a loveseat and let your body language do the talking. Then turn on some music, watch a romantic movie, or just enjoy the quiet. Physical closeness at any level is a great way to cap off a beautiful evening with your special Valentine.


Transformer Table furniture is designed to bring couples together over dinner, drinks, and whatever happens next. 


Check out our Valentine’s Day sweet deal!